Thursday, December 27, 2007

What is Hallelujah Diet?

This is the diet that follows the ratio of 85% raw and 15% cooked food each day. The idea is to supply nutrition from natural and unprocessed foods. The nutrients from these foods are expected to cure the illness and to remove toxics from the body. It is believed that toxics were accumulated from processed foods taken. Thus, by eliminating cooked or processed foods the natural healing of the body can be done thru eating more portion of raw and unprocessed foods. Rev. George Malkmus promoted this diet and claimed that this diet cures his cancer. According to Rev. George Malkmus, there are biblical basis on this kind of diet as well as scientific basis on his claim.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Why do we ground electrical appliances?

Take a look at your appliance power cable. If you found three pins at the end of the cable, that means your appliance has grounding system. If your home has electrical grounding system, then you will also find a fitting socket for that power cable. The extra pin (usually round) is used for electrical grounding. That means that extra pin is somehow connected to the ground. Grounding an electrical appliances make it safer to be operated by users. Faulty appliance may jolt the user if not grounded well. During thunderstorm, the appliances will be safer from lightning shocks if they were grounded because the earth will be part of the electrical circuitry resulting to earth absorbing unbalance electrical charges.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Why things keep falling down to earth?

The force that keeps on pulling all things down is called gravitational force. That is why no matter how hard you throw a stone up, it will fall back to the ground in a matter of seconds. This particular force originated from our planet Earth. Every planets, moon, stars and rocks on space has some degree of gravitational force. The more massive an object the stronger the gravitational force it will possess. This Law of Physics is also known as "Newton's law of universal gravitation".
This is the same force that keeps the moon on its orbit around the earth. In fact, the moon is falling on earth at the same time its escaping due to centrifugal force due to its revolution on earth.
As the moon orbits the Earth, the force of gravity acting upon the moon provides the centripetal force required for circular motion.

As an analogy, Let us imagine you have bucket of water tied to a string. And you swing the bucket of water around around you.
As a bucket of water is tied to a string and spun in a circle, the tension force acting upon the bucket provides the centripetal force required for circular motion.
The string represents the gravity that balance (holds) the bucket from flying away because of centrifugal force you have applied to it (swinging).

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Why do we call very smart people geniuses?

In ancient Roman Mythology, a "Genius" is a guardian spirit that looked over an innocent child. It was believed that the genius had the power to give success and intellectual powers. This term came to be applied to someone who are intelligent, creative and especially gifted.

Why do we blink?

Our eye has natural defense system. When eyes become drier from staring at object, our eyes become open for too long. The moisture from the eye surface become lesser so to protect itself from drying, the eyes blinks. Just like a windshield and glass wiper it keeps the eyes clean and moist. Eyelids can automatically shut when any object suddenly moves close to the eye.

Why did I catched cold when I cried?

When you cry, you will not catch cold just because you are crying. Tears usually drain into the nose through the tear duct at the inner corner of the eye. Crying happens when tears overflow the eyelids and dampen the face, such as when we experience sudden emotion, like sadness or joy, for instance. The muscles in the upper lid squeeze the tear glands. Tears flow too fast to be drained away into the nose and roll down our cheeks.iology

Monday, December 17, 2007

Why do cats hate water?

Not all cats hate water. Certain domestic cats, like Turkish angoras like water. The big cats from hot countries such as tigers and lions like it also. The tiger swim in swamp and river for a long time to catch its prey.

Why do we snore?

When people sleep you may hear hoarse noise. This is snoring. The vocal cords and the soft palate in the back of the throat vibrates as the person sleeping breaths. It happens more often when the mouth is open because the nasal passages are blocked.

Mayday! Mayday! Why was it Mayday?

Originaly, in the early 1900s, the international call for help was "CQD". QCD was used by British radio operators and it meant "All stations attend: Distress". QCD was a poor English way of saying Securite were replaced later by "SOS". SOS was easier to pound out on telegraph keys using Morse Code, the only signal could then be sent. In 1927, the distress signal was changed to "Mayday!," which comes from the French M'aidez, meaning "Help me!"

Why does water vanish when it starts boiling?

First, the water does not vanish. It changes to another state. Matter has three forms: Solid, Liquid and Gas. Water is in liquid state in room temperature. When heat is applied to water and its temperature reach its boiling point (212 Fahrenheit) it changes it form to a light, thin gas, the gaseous form of water. Steam is a good example of this gas. Furthermore, if water gets cold enough (32 Fahrenheit), it will begin to change in its solid form. This solid object is also known as ice.

What is in a twelve?

12 Our year has 12 months.
Our foot rule has 12 inches.
A gross has 12 dozen units.
And a dozen has 12 units.

This counting system were originated from the ancient Romans who used a base-12 system instead of modern base-10 system which the more popular counting system today.

Why are soda drinks bubbly?

Soda makers add harmless gas to the drink called carbon dioxide. When under pressure this gas could be mixed the drinks. The gas remains in the drinks until the seal were opened. The gas will then escapes from the drink in the form of bubbles.

Why can I see through glass?

Light makes possible for our eyes to work. Since Light can pass through a glass without being scattered or blocked. You can see any objects behind the glass. This glass property is called transparency.

What is a NASCAR?

NASCAR is the organization that governs stock car racing in the United States. The acronymn NASCAR stands for National Association of Stock Car Racing. NASCAR was founded in 1947. The first real NASCAR race was held in Charlotte, North Carolina, in 1949.